2009年11月22日 星期日

untill now...

10/10 my first day to company as a formal staff
To be honest, I still can't get alone well with here
There are only five people in our company
They are boss, his wife, day shift only, night shift only, me
nnoy, lousy and botherd boss
wordy, troublesome woman (boss's wife)
share-loved but too talktive day shift only
emotional, two faces, not but close to bitch night shift only...
stupid, always can't into the situation one (me...)

At first, I put lots of passion into the job, now, I really have trouble in talk to my boss
I dont want to see him, I dont want to hear his voice(he may have some problem on his throat...)
His is a person with very fast pace inon doing job, talking to the people around him...
He changed his mind very often, he never fixed on his desicion more than ond day...
When he told me what I should do, I had better to follow his fucking strange thought...
He is also a person who is very bossy, I rember there is one time, I still new here...
He told me that he will teach me how to show the parking lot to those client...
when we arrived where the client is, he jsut pushed me away with out pespect because there is no space for me to get in the car which belong to the client...

Another fucking thing is, he always do the double faces thins...
There is one time, I originaliy took the client(he is a middle age one) to to his room (the client just don't like the room he has, so he want to change...), when I took the client to his new room,
but in the mean time, the fucking boss just show up and pushed me away again without a proper excuse! He showed me very little respect...thought I am just an employee here...He shouldn't treat like that! This is partial reason that I don't like him...He always tell other my fault in an exaggerate way! And he is a person who is very indirect!

The bitch night shift woman just do the same thing with him... I don't like her double faces too!

What a crazy place!

