2009年11月18日 星期三

what a fucking company!!

I remeber that's my second time be going to blow up !

I don't know why, I just dont like my boss's voice, personality and sometimes the way he dealt with things...

We dont have extra fee for the extra hours...but, i can accept that...at least that's a stable job...

All things are coming very very soon, I send my reume in 10/6 afternoon, an I receive the interview phone call at 10/6 arond 11 pm. Im my opinion, calling other people after 10 pm is a very unpolite, rude behavior...that's the thing Mr.Chen (my fucking boss do!) maybe I should know it at that time...

I go to the interview in 10/7, and after a very very short hesitation, I think that I will join the company...10/8, I was a interm there. 10/9, I moved to TAIPEI!! 10/10, my first day to work...
11/4, I got my first salary...

The first time, I think that I'm going to blow up is in 11/7, the fire craker festival....
I didnt go with them, cause it's off time, I don't want to see those office-related people...
Sadly. including Zoe, at first i think she is a considerate girl...actually she is. But I just feel that I can't stand her, she is a talktive one, but I'm not, I will preten that I am when I meet the person at the first time...that's real bad habit, I admit...

we have only three employees in the tiny, small company, but it's a place full of strange, two-side faces people...and they always say the bad thing of others behind sombody...

At first, I will believe what I hear from other and what I see in the surface....but now, I realize the whole thing is unreal, and I need to protect myself from other who is meant or not meant to hurt me!

I admit that I am a slow paced and every thing is slow in my life person...In here, I need to fast! fast! and fast! and I am forced to be fast! and the most important one is that I have a annoy boss!

